Welcome to my blog,
(which is no longer in chronological order, so the times and events don’t quite make sense. But they all happened exactly as they’re written.)
It’s not all about friendship and hard times. There’s a “Fun” category, humor being essential to joy, and my favorite to write, “Reflections.” Comment and contribute!

Passages from “The Inherited War”
My father was a Vietnam vet and a double amputee, and The Inherited War is a collection of stories from our lives together. My intention in writing about it is to tell how the Vietnam War affected my dad and how he, in turn, affected his family. It’s my father’s story, seen through my eyes; it’s also the story of my life, in which my dad is a principal character.

PTSD, Matt’s Story
My dad was a disabled Vietnam vet. He was bound to a wheelchair, having lost his legs in a double claymore mine blast somewhere in the jungles of Cambodia. Even though his physical wounds were obvious, as a child I never thought of him as disabled. He drove a pick-up truck with hand controls, hunted and fished, drove an ATV, mowed our grass and did chores around the house. He was a carpenter, a welder and a gunsmith. He could find a way to do anything he wanted to do.