Welcome to my blog,
(which is no longer in chronological order, so the times and events don’t quite make sense. But they all happened exactly as they’re written.)
It’s not all about friendship and hard times. There’s a “Fun” category, humor being essential to joy, and my favorite to write, “Reflections.” Comment and contribute!

Steady Steps Forward
Given the turbulent nature of planet earth these past few years, you may not be surprised to learn that anxiety and other mental health disorders are on the rise. To counter this, it’s important that we make changes in our lives. Taking control of your mindset is a challenge, but it’s also a necessary step if you want to prevent panic attacks and other symptoms from disrupting your routine and plans for the future.

Help a Friend Through Chronic Illness
Chronic health issues affect millions of Americans every year, and while there are some lifestyle changes that can help lessen the effects, chronic conditions can touch many parts of life and create multiple challenges. If you have a friend who is suffering from a chronic illness, there are several simple but unique ways you can help them get through the pain, discomfort, and stress. There are many online resources that can assist you and your friend or loved one along the way, including the blog posts at The All-Weather Friend. Not only that, you can make some changes in your own life that will allow you to be more supportive.

Chronic Illness, My Story
It’s March as I write this, and we’re having an early spring. I want to be outside, digging in the earth or hiking a trail, among the green buds and gentle warmth. But I’m confined to my deck and learning again to enjoy spring by observing and being rather than doing. I remind myself that it’s important to balance ‘being’ with ‘doing’ and that this medical relapse gives me such an opportunity.