Selected presentations.
Christ Episcopal Church, Charlottesville, Virginia
About. In our Monday night Lent series, Compassion: Ours and God’s, Mary Cail, PhD, a Charlottesville writer and blogger, will discuss compassion in four separate but interrelated themes: God’s compassion, human compassion, forgiveness and informed compassion, using stories from her life and work. The last week will be focussed specifically on ways to support friends and relatives who are coping with Alzheimer’s disease, a topic on which she is frequently invited to speak. (Note: This series had to be cancelled after the first session due to the Covid lockdown.)
“The first session got rave reviews. . .”
Financial Planning Association of Central Virginia
About. This presentation, approved for continuing education credit for Certified Financial Planners, focuses on how Alzheimer’s disease begins and progresses through three discernible stages and what can be predicted from the outset about the needs and limitations of caregivers and clients with Alzheimer's disease. It covers some of the more problematic ‘unknowns’ and the potential impact of these unpredictable factors on securing professional care, as well as constraints on family members’ ability to provide care when the disease advances to a more incapacitating extent. The unique concerns of early stage dementia, the cost of different care options, the problem of aggression and other challenging behaviors, and the issue of competence will be discussed, along with recommendations to minimize the possibility of financial loss due to declining cognitive abilities.
“I’ve been through the evaluations that were completed at this morning’s meeting and you were a hit with our attendees! All gave you the highest rating and thought the information you presented was very informative. Thank you again for sharing so much timely information from your head and heart with our membership.”
National Public Radio Community Ideas Station
About. This interactive workshop is a time of engagement for family caregivers with experts in the field of Alzheimer's and dementia. Sessions will explore positive approaches to living with the disease from the perspective the caregiver as well as the loved one with Alzheimer's. It is presented in partnership with The Community Idea Stations, Public Broadcasting System, National Public Radio, and the Alzheimer's Association (program brochure).
“Your presentation was such an important and successful element to the program. I know I have said this before, but whether you are speaking or we are reading your book, you make us feel like we are talking to a well-loved friend. Your presentation was moving and so packed with useful information.”
15th Annual Alzheimer's Education Conference
About. This conference, Enhancing the Quality of Life in Dementia Care, brings together health professionals and families to understand a person-directed approach to caring for those living with Alzheimer's. It is presented by the Alzheimer's Association of Central and Western Virginia in partnership with the Virginia Geriatric Education Center (program brochure).
“Your message of compassion is so powerful that I was not surprised when you got a standing ovation from a packed room. Thank you for sharing your moving personal story and methods that are both practical and transformative”
University of Virginia Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
About. Mary Cail, author of Alzheimer's: A Crash Course for Friends and Relatives will discuss specific techniques for supporting patients who are coping with dementia, as well as their caregivers.
“Hearing Mary Cail speak of her story and her writing reminded me what being a healthcare practitioner and a friend should be about. She has inspired me to be a better listener and to see others with renewed respect, compassion and grace. The practical advice contained in her presentation is applicable to any relationship, but specifically helpful when it comes to connecting with those who are going through significant loss; whether functional or relational. I give her my highest recommendation as a speaker and a teacher.”
The Lodge at Old Trail
About. This month we welcome Mary Cail, PhD, the author of Alzheimer’s: A Crash Course for Friends and Relatives, and founder of The All-Weather Friend, an organization which helps people support friends during life’s most difficult circumstances. Mary will be on hand to discuss easy ways to support friends with Alzheimer’s and caregivers, as well as share the backstory behind The All- Weather Friend (program flyer).
“Your presentation was both incredibly moving and informative. After the session I was moved to buy your book. I’ve just now completed it and have been reflecting on your remarks that evening and the information in the book. Thank you so much for sharing your story in such eloquent and heartfelt fashion at the Lodge and for the sage advice in your book. As I read it, I could not help but wonder why you have not also considered a career in creative writing. Apart from the advice it contained, my favorite part of your book is the beautiful way in which you convey your information.”
2015 Virginia Festival of the Book
About. Mary Cail, PhD, is the author of Alzheimer’s: A Crash Course for Friends and Relatives and creator of the All-Weather Friend series, an emerging set of materials on how to help friends through specific hardships. She blogs for Maria Shriver’s Architects of Change series and for the Huffington Post (festival catalogue).
“Alzheimer’s: A Crash Course for Friends and Relatives, by Mary Cail, is an insightful resource for anyone who is touched by a life affected by Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. It is especially pertinent for friends of caregivers. Let me start by saying that Dr. Cail is a brilliant speaker. I was privileged to attend her talk at the Virginia Festival of the book last month in Charlottesville, Virginia, where she offered a rare honesty into her life and motivations”
Mary speaks to professional and lay audiences about understanding Alzheimer’s disease and showing sensitivity to the needs, emotions and problems of patients and caregivers. She also speaks on compassion and forgiveness from the standpoint of faith, grief, loss and connection. For more information, email