To read the Table of Contents and introduction, click the cover.
ISBN 9781506482392
eBook ISBN 9781506482408
Fortress Press ⎮ 226 pages
Publication Date: September 19, 2023
Mary McDaniel Cail calls upon extensive personal and professional experience to offer insight, context, and concrete guidance for congregations and leaders seeking to better serve the growing percentage of the population that is experiencing life with dementia. Churches have vital roles to play, Cail explains, in helping those living with the difficulties of dementia. By recognizing and supporting the full humanity of all people, congregations and leaders can help both patients and caregivers live more fulfilling lives.
Cail pairs poignant stories with practical advice for developing a holistic memory ministry. Dementia and the Church includes lesson plans, advice on programming, and many resources churches can use, in addition to pragmatic information about dementia. A gifted storyteller, Cail crafts her prose with care and intention. Readers will develop “informed compassion,” learning how to accept, pray with, relieve, and comfort all who cope with these increasingly common challenges.
Resources for Book Activities
If you purchased the book and need help finding links to materials used for activities or alternative activities for links that are no longer accessible, see below. Click the plus signs to expand each chapter.
Please believe me: I made EVERY possible effort (at the expense of my eyes and sanity) to ensure every single link worked before this book went into production and before it was cleared for printing. I’ll routinely check and correct the links below—These are the endnote links that are essential for activities or suggested as church resources. Email if you find one that doesn’t work, so I can fix it: Email me, too, if you find a broken link in the endnotes of the book, and I will send you my link.
Page 8 (endnote 6), William Utermohlen’s self-portraits:
Page 9 (endnote 9), “Brain Basics: Know Your Brain”:
Page 10 (endnote 14) “What Happens to the Brain in Alzheimer’s Disease?”:
Page 20 (endnote 3), Richard Taylor:
Page 37 (endnote 13), “A Conversation with Carl Rogers”:
Page 42 (endnote 28), The UCLA video on aggression keeps changing places on the website, so here is a very good substitute from 24 Hr Homecare:
Page 72 (endnote 20): SurveyMonkey information about creating and conducting surveys:
Pages 74–75, “An Introductory Video Series to Follow the Survey” Kenneth Carder’s videos to educate the congregation about dementia and the purposes behind a memory ministry:
Page 108, “Lesson 2: Early Stage or Mild Alzheimer’s”
If Christine and Paul Bryden on Living with Dementia” is no longer posted on Christine’s website, you may find it here: Or you can use one of her other videos, such as Christine Bryden: A Conversation about Dementia: Should these videos be unavailable to you, use Richard Taylor: Alzheimer’s from the Inside Out: Richard’s book, Alzheimer’s from the Inside Out can be purchased from Amazon. This book is a series of short essays that can be read in lieu of a video. -
Page 113, “Lesson One: Understanding Mid-Stage or Moderate Alzheimer’s”
Here are several links to the video, Experience 12 Minutes in Alzheimer’s Dementia. Linking directly to the video via the ABC News website is apparently not possible at this time:
YouTube: (hosted by Alzheimer’s Weekly)
Facebook: this video is not available through any of these sources,here is a story of moderate stage Alzheimer’s from my book, Alzheimer’s: A Crash Course for Friends and Relatives, which you can download and print. It supplies similar information. You will find an activity guide and list of discussion questions to accompany it.
Links to the handout: Click herefor a copy of the handout you can print from this website.
Pages 130—133, Lesson two: Understanding Late Stage Dementia
Link to the video, Tom Debaggio’s Journey Continues:
Link to the video, A Decade of Alzheimer’s Devastating Impact:
Link to handout materials: note about handout links: The first handout contains permission to duplicate on the footer along with a disclaimer of any implications of endorsement by the Alzheimer’s Association. The others do not, so please be mindful of copyright and fair use laws. As an alternative to printing and distributing, you could present the material and follow up by providing the links.
Page 140, “Respite Programs”
https://respiteforall.orgPage 148 (endnote 25), Memory books:
Page 152 (endnote 35), Lifelike dolls:
Page 152 (endnote 36), books for Alzheimer’s patients:
Page 153 (endnote 37), Conversation Cards: 153 (endnote 38), puzzles:
Page 153 (endnote 39), rummage bags:
Page 171, “Facts About Alzheimer’s Disease”
Links to handout: Click here for a file you can print and distribute (permission on footer)
Pages 173-177, “The Answers”
5. —
10. 177, “A Video with an Important Message” -
Page 180, “The Difference Between Support Groups and Therapy Groups”
Conversations with Caregivers:
Nate Page video:
Chapters 5 & 6 contain skits church members can enact to show mistakes people make around people who are living with dementia. These skits don’t need to be memorized; they can be performed script-in-hand, as is demonstrated in the clip below, from “If You Could Hear Me Think” (page 103). In this scene, “Jenny”is in early stage and is struggling to keep up with a conversation. These chapters contain three skits, in which Jenny goes from early to late stage Alzheimer’s. Discussion questions follow. The actors here are from Four County Players, a non-profit theater group that delights audiences year round with consistently excellent performances.
A Book Club Alternative for Activities in Chapters 5 & 6
To convey, in a different way, similar information (being supportive and helpful to people with early, middle, and late stage Alzheimer’s and their caregivers) to small groups within the congregation, organize a book club (or clubs), perhaps over a 3-month period, using Alzheimer’s: A Crash Course for Friends and Relatives, for which a discounted price can be arranged by emailing (click the link). This book takes a reader through the main symptomatic stages of Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia. Case studies describing each stage are followed by chapters that tell how to support a person in middle, early and late stage Alzheimer’s and how to support caregivers throughout the course of the disease.
Bookshop of Recommended Titles for a Church Library (See appendix 1, page 168.)
To purchase, click links beneath book titles. Note: Please purchase books from when you can—I have an affiliate link with them and they support independent bookstores.
Look for this book on Amazon and other book sellers.